Changes Coming to my Sunday School

I just noticed my last entry was on 3/18/2019, almost 3 months ago.  Wow.  No, I did not forget about the site and yes the lame cheesy excuse "I've been busy" does apply.  For the past year I have been co-teaching sunday school using the gospel project curriculum from Lifeway publishing, an experience I have deeply enjoyed and learned a great deal from.  Starting in August I will be teaching my own class on basic theology and writing the lessons without the benefit of a pre-written curriculum.  I am very nervous and excited about the the prospect and every bit of anticipation is tinged with a bit of dread.

It's a bit of an experiment, to see just how good a teacher I can be and to see how much I remember from my old Bible classes.  Thankfully I scanned most of my old school notes into pdfs and I will be relying on them heavily during lesson prep.  Prayer and encouragement will be need as well but also honesty.  If I'm doing poorly I want to know so I can grow as well, and I won't know unless you tell me.

Most of my lessons have been broken up into two to three blog posts here on the site, a practice I plan to continue moving forward.  This month has been a kind of preview for my class as I have the opportunity to teach a few theology classes before the official class begins and the safety net is removed.  So far I have been using lessons that began as blog posts here on the site utilizing my "is there a God?" series last week.  This week I will be using the " why christianity" series of "the blind men and God" and "christianity stands alone", my two most popular blog entries.  Both sets of entries can be found here.  After that I will need to do a lesson from scratch on the Bible itself and then calvinism vs arminianism.  Not sure what the last lesson will be on, any ideas?

I'm also planning a facebook page to better promote the site and make it easier for new entries to show up in people's newsfeed.  You can also subscribe to email updates right here on the site as well.

As always your prayers, comments and emails are always welcome, you never cease to brighten my day with your encouragement.  Please bear with me as I change gears and get a few more things settled in preparation for the new class and then I should have a more regular update schedule here on the site as well.

Thank you
