
Abraham Part 3: God’s Covenant People are to be Set Apart for His Glory

Abraham Part 2: God’s Covenant People are to trust His Promises

Abraham Part 1: God Establishes His Covenant People

Job Part 3: God Speaks!

Job Part 2: God is present in the midst of our suffering

Job Part 1: God is in control, even over our suffering

The seven seals of Revelation

What is the famous large scroll of Revelation 5 and 6?

Will the Rapture be a Surprise and Who is the Restrainer of 2 Thesselonians?

When Will the Rapture Occur?

Revelation is about Hope

Approach Revelation with Repentance, Humility, Prayer and an Open Mind

Among All Religions, Christianity Stands Alone

The Blind Men and God: Are All Religions the Same?

Is there a God? Part Three: Intelligent Design

Is There a God? Part Two: Ockham's Zebra

Is There a God? Part One: Paley's Watch

Who Were the Maji Part 4: Jesus and Herod